Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Need for Calibracion Santo Domingo

Calibration is essential if you purchase a new measuring instrument such as a weighing balance. However, there are several factors which will require you to re-calibrate your equipment. Repair of a measuring instrument, an adverse shock to the instrument and doubtful measurements are a few of these factors.

Whether you live in Santo Domingo or in any other part of the world, you will come across equipment or devices which have calibrations on them. Calibrations on balances and other measuring equipment can bring accuracy in the measurements you will obtain. The need for calibrations is much more important in large businesses where production and sales depends on accuracy and precision. However in case of equipment that is used in household, accuracy derived from calibrations is not as important as it is in case of large production runs.

Calibracion Santo Domingo

Whenever you purchase a new balance, you will be required to get it calibrated from a professional before you can use it. You will be able to find several professional in Santo Domingo who offer calibration services. Furthermore, there are several reasons which will require you to re-calibrate your equipment. A few of these are mentioned below:

Repair of the instrument

After a measuring instrument has been repaired, for example a barometer, its previous calibrations will become useless and you will require getting it re-calibrated.

After every few years

With daily use, your equipment usually comes across variations in temperature and pressure which will slightly lessen the accuracy of the readings obtained. For most of the equipment, re-calibration after every 3 years is recommended.

Exposure to adverse condition

Adverse conditions could include sudden changes in temperature and pressure, which would produce inaccurate readings and hence, you would need to get the equipment re-calibrated. Another example could be spillage of water on a balance.

Doubtful measurements

If you feel that the results you are obtaining are not accurate, you should get your equipment calibrated all over again.

Change in location

In case of balances that have been calibrated, a change in location may ruin the accuracy of the calibrations. In that case, you would require getting the balance calibrated again. This is because balances usually react to changes in gravitational forces. However, the sensitivity to location of each balance differs. Less sensitive balances are more portable and will respond less to a change in location. Thus make sure that you get the balance re-calibrated after you have changed its location.

Often people do not consider the possibility of re-calibration of equipment and end up making inaccurate measurements. They realize the need for re-calibration only after they have incurred losses due to wrong measurements. Thus, it is extremely important to keep all the above mentioned factors in mind. For example if you got your equipment’s Calibracion Santo Domingo and now you have moved to another city, make sure that you are getting it recalibrated.  Keeping a watchful eye for the above mentioned factors can save you from causing permanent damage to your equipment.

Things to look for in a Calibracion service provider in Santo Domingo

With each passing year, the number of companies for Calibracion in Santo Domingo increases, making it difficult for you to choose any one of them. Thus, it is better to look out for a few qualities such as the company’s efficiency, customer services and credibility due to experience.

Finding a Calibracion service provider in Santo Domingo is not as easy as it sounds. It is true that the number of Calibracion companies in Santo Domingo has increased significantly but this does not mean that all of them provide quality Calibracion services. Hence for Calibracion in Santo Domingo, you need to find a Calibracion service provider that has a few essential qualities. Conduct an online search and list out the companies that have the following qualities. Doing so will ensure that your equipment which requires Calibracion is in the right hands.

Efficient Calibracion

To find out whether the company you are choosing is efficient or not you need to look at its working environment and the time it takes to calibrate your equipment. This information can easily be found out through the official website of the company where they would have provided you with details such as the maximum time required for completion of tasks, the resources of the company and the equipment they use for Calibracion. A good company will usually have pictures to provide you with an insight of their processes whereas an inefficient company will hide such things from their customers. The better the resources of a company are, the more efficient it usually is. Resources can refer to capital and labor. 

Understanding customers’ needs

Calibracion Santo Domingo

Always make sure that the company you are choosing makes an effort to satisfy its customers. If possible, visit the company to see how they treat you and if they are willing to meet any of your specific demands. You can also call or email the company to find out how well they respond to your queries. This factor is essential because if you face any problem with the Calibracions later, you could easily contact the company to find solutions. Customer ratings and reviews are another great way to see how well the company caters to the needs of the customers.

Compliance Assured

Calibracion Santo Domingo or anywhere in the world are done according to certain Quality and Calibracion Management Standards. Make sure the company you are planning to choose is a certified one and works according to international standards. Companies usually provide this information on their official websites.

Repair services

Always find out details of repair services from your Calibracion company. A renowned and credible company will always be prepared to repair any issues you might have with Calibracion.


Mostly companies that have been in the market for many years are credible ones. Moreover, the efficiency and accuracy of Calibracion of such companies will be more reliable because they would have become better by learning from their past experience.

Tank Calibracion in Santo Domingo

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are getting tanks used in your business calibrated. For tanks with simple geometry, the volume of the container or tank is enough to calibrate it. However, factors like thermal expansion and expansion due to pressure can make your Calibracions inaccurate after a few years, stressing on the need for re-Calibracion.  Moreover, for businesses where the accuracy of the Calibracion determines the costs of your business, it is essential to contact a certified and renowned tank Calibracion company. 

Calibracion Santo Domingo

Like any other Calibracion process, tank Calibracion involves configuring an instrument to give accurate measurements. In tank Calibracion, items which are calibrated are usually storage tanks, casts, and liquid containers. By providing measurements on these containers, the chances of making measuring errors are significantly reduced. You will be able to find a large number of companies in in Santo Domingo that specialize in calibrating tanks.

Calibracion of any instrument involves you to find out the exact dimensions of the container which has to be calibrated; using these dimensions you can then find out the volume of the container. For simple containers of a consistent shape, only the dimensions and volume of the container are required for Calibracion. However, where the production in a business depends on the accuracy of its containers for example in a food packing business, the Calibracions need to be extremely accurate. In that case, calculations are made by keeping other factors in mind as well such as the expansion rate of tank during filling and the thermal expansion rate when the tank is being used.

A certified tank Calibracion company in Santo Domingo will keep in mind all these factors while calibrating your tank. The accuracy of tank Calibracion is important for several reasons. For example, at a juice manufacturing business, knowing the exact amount of liquid you are putting into a container will help you to keep a check on any kind of spillage. Furthermore, in businesses which involve expensive liquids such as petroleum, even the smallest spillage can incur you losses. In most of the countries, accurate Calibracion has been made compulsory realizing the importance of consistency and accuracy in storing, processing and packing. 

Another important factor that needs to be considered is that tanks require re-Calibracion after a few years. Thus, once you have got the tanks in your business calibrated, your job has not ended.  Due to several reasons, the accuracy of the Calibracion reduces with each year of use. For example, one of the reasons could simply be any modification made to the tank such as adding a pipe. More common reasons are expansion or contractions of storage tanks. This expansion or contraction could be due to changing temperatures or pressures. If the tank does not have a symmetric and regular geometry, then even tilting the tank slightly can make its previous Calibracion inaccurate.

Tank Calibracion Santo Domingo is carried out by several companies. All you need to do is carry out an online.

What are your Calibracion requirements?

Choosing a calibration service provider in Santo Domingo can become a difficult task especially if you do not know your exact requirements. Thus to make the process simpler, it is advisable to make a list of a details such as the industry your business belongs to, your business’ requirements and the specific requirements of each department of your business. Only after you clearly know your calibration requirements, you should start searching for a company that could calibrate your equipment. 

Like any other country,  Calibracion Santo Domingo is offered by a large number of companies. Due to this reason choosing a company can become quite difficult. Thus, it is highly recommended that before you start searching for a Calibracion services in Santo Domingo, make sure that you know a detail of your requirements. Make a list of all of your requirements and then start looking out for companies in Santo Domingo that specialize in the calibration of your desired equipment. Not knowing exactly what you want will waste a lot of your time and you might end up with a service provider whose calibration services are not suitable for you. Below are a few areas according to which you can broadly define your calibration requirements.

 Calibracion Santo Domingo

Define your industry

This is the most important factor to consider. A number of new businesses do not realize that different calibration service providers are appropriate for different industries and they end up choosing the wrong service provider. For example if you are a business manufacturing processed food items then your calibration requirements will differ from those of an automotive industry supplier.  Calibracion Santo Domingo is based upon different programs hence, it is important to find out which industry you belong to. Only then you can start searching for a calibration service provider in Santo Domingo.

What are your organizational requirements?

Now that you have identified your industry, you should define the requirements of your organization. For example, if you would need electronic calibration or a simple one. The budget and the size of your company will help you understand better your organizational requirements. For example, if you are a small food processing company, you do not need electronic calibrations; you would rather choose simple calibrated equipment. Furthermore, larger businesses where the demand is much greater as compared to smaller businesses use calibration methods that are highly efficient.

Find out department specific requirements

The calibrations on your equipment will also determine the speed of the processes carried out in your business. For example, the engineering department of your business might not use equipment as much as the production department. Thus, make sure that you are aware about each department’s requirements and are addressing them correctly to the calibration company. Doing so will save you money as well as your time.

Only after you have clearly listed out the requirements of each of the departments and your business as a whole, you should begin the search for a calibration company. You will be able to find a large number of companies on the internet which might confuse you. However, since you would have a list of your exact requirements you could simply eliminate the companies that do not meet your demands. This way the process will become much simpler and easy.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Necesidad de calibracion Santo Domingo

Calibracion Santo Domingo

La calibración es esencial si compra un nuevo instrumento de medida, como una balanza de pesado. Sin embargo, hay diversos factores que harán que tenga que recalibrar su equipo. La reparación de un instrumento de medida, un impacto fuerte al instrumento o medidas dudosas son algunos de estos factores.

Tanto si vive en Santo Domingo como si lo hace en cualquier otra parte del mundo, se encontrará con equipos que han sido calibrados. La calibración de balanzas y otros instrumentos de medida puede aumentar la exactitud de las medidas que obtenga. La necesidad de calibración es mucho más importante en grandes empresas, en las que la producción y las ventas dependen de la exactitud y precisión. Sin embargo, en el caso de equipos usados en el hogar, la exactitud derivada de la calibración no es tan importante como puede serlo en el caso de la producción en grandes series.

Cuando compre una nueva balanza, ésta tendrá que ser calibrada por un profesional antes de que pueda usarla. Podrá encontrar varios profesionales en Santo Domingo que ofrecen servicios de calibración. Además, hay diversos motivos por los que puede tener que recalibrar su equipo. Algunos de estos motivos se mencionan a continuación:

Reparación del instrumento

Después de que un instrumento de medida haya sido reparado, por ejemplo un barómetro, su calibración previa se volverá inservible, y tendrá que someterlo a un recalibrado.

Después de unos pocos años
Con el uso diario, su equipo se verá sometido normalmente a variaciones en la presión y temperatura que reducirán ligeramente la exactitud de las lecturas obtenidas. Para la mayoría de los equipos se recomienda la recalibración cada 3 años.

Exposición a condiciones adversas

Las condiciones adversas pueden incluir cambios repentinos en la presión y temperatura, que producirán lecturas inexactas y, por lo tanto, tendrá que someter el quipo a una recalibración. Otro ejemplo puede ser la caída de agua sobre una balanza.

Medidas dudosas

Si cree que los resultados que está obteniendo no son exactos, debería recalibrar su equipo de nuevo.

Cambio de ubicación

En el caso de las balanzas que hayan sido calibradas, un cambio en su ubicación puede estropear la exactitud de la calibración. En este caso, tendrá que volver a recalibrar la balanza. Esto se debe a que generalmente las balanzas reaccionan ante los cambios en la fuerza de la gravedad. Sin embargo, la sensibilidad a la ubicación difiere de una balanza a otra. Las balanzas menos sensibles son más portables y responderán en menor media a los cambios de ubicación. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de recalibrar su balanza después de cambiar su ubicación.

Con frecuencia las personas no consideran la posibilidad de recalibrar el equipo, y terminan haciendo medidas inexactas. Sólo después de haber incurrido en pérdidas como consecuencia de mediciones equivocadas es cuando se dan cuenta de la necesidad de la recalibración. Por lo tanto, es extremadamente importante que tenga presentes todos los factores mencionados anteriormente. Por ejemplo, si su equipo ha sido sometido a un proceso de calibracion Santo Domingo y va a trasladarse a otra ciudad, asegúrese de que sea recalibrado. No perder de vista los factores mencionados anteriormente puede evitar que provoque daños permanentes a su equipo.